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The product comes in an attractively designed package, with the full range of bits and pieces you’d expect, including a competent user guide, an HDMI cable and a USB power block with charger cable. Gone are the days when you got a bare bones white box and a flimsy photocopied user manual.
This is a crackingly fast unit, and really eats up the data processing, which you’d expect with the quad core 1.6GHz processor and quad core graphics processor cranking away. The device runs apps flawlessly, is great for surfing and for running high resolution video from video apps such as iPlayer or YouTube, and the games run brilliantly. The one thing with games of course, is the fact that you really need a games controller to play properly, because a keyboard and mouse, or trackpad, really can’t mimic a touchscreen well enough.
This little box is actually a marvel of engineering, cramming a huge amount of very cool tech in a box around the size of a matchbox. The device copes excellently with just about everything you can throw at it, including games, browsing, media and movie playing and the works. The only main issue we had with it, and this seems to be common with most of these current Android dongles, is the camera, which we had problems getting to work. The resolution of the camera is also not yet as good as it could/should be, but we’re confident that these issues will be fixed fairly soon as the technology
Overall it’s a great way to upgrade your old television to a new intelligent (smart?) TV, and let you access the growing amount of content which is being delivered via your Internet connection.
“Skype clients continue to evaluate bandwidth, connectivity and firewall settings to select the most appropriate path for the call and continue to connect devices for P2P calls across the Internet so that users get audio and video connections that ‘just work” he states.Skype also credits the cloud for enhancing the performance and quality of its core messaging experience. It talks about the ability to receive messages offline and pushing notifications to the Windows Phone 8 mobile client even when the Skype app is not running, and says that the feature will soon be extended to other Skype mobile clients.
Press this | To do this |
Windows logo key?
Search your PC
Ctrl+plus (+) or Ctrl+minus (-)
Zoom in or out of a large number of items, like apps pinned to the Start screen
Ctrl+scroll wheel
Zoom in or out of a large number of items, like apps pinned to the Start screen
Windows logo key?
Open the charms
Windows logo key?
Open the Search charm to search files
Windows logo key?
Open the Share charm
Windows logo key?
Open the Settings charm
Windows logo key?
Switch the main app and snapped app
Windows logo key?
Open the Devices charm
Windows logo key?
Lock the screen orientation (portrait or landscape)
Windows logo key?
Open the Search charm to search apps
Windows logo key?
Open the Search charm to search settings
Windows logo key?
Show the commands available in the app
Windows logo key?
Switch input language and keyboard layout
Windows logo key?
Change to a previously selected input
Windows logo key?
Cycle through open apps (except desktop apps)
Windows logo key?
Cycle through open apps (except desktop apps) and snap them as they are cycled
Windows logo key?
Cycle through open apps (except desktop apps) in reverse order
Windows logo key?
Move the Start screen and apps to the monitor on the left (Apps in the desktop won’t change monitors)
Windows logo key?
Move the Start screen and apps to the monitor on the right (apps in the desktop won’t change monitors)
Windows logo key?
Snaps an app to the left
Windows logo key?
Snaps an app to the right