Monday 11 November 2013

Motorola Wants to Patent a Neck Tattoo That’s Also a Microphone

Do you ever get tired of holding your phone to your face? How about trying to chat in loud, crowded places?
No need to fuss. Motorola’s got you covered with its latest patent application: a smartphone microphone that’s tattooed onto your neck. Just think, you could have a little piece of Google embedded right into your body.
According to the patent application, said neck tattoo would pick up sound by reading the “fluctuations of muscle or tissue in the throat” and sending it to a smartphone or other device wirelessly. It’ll be equipped with Bluetooth and NFC technology and “may or may not be rechargeable.” The application is a little bit cagey about whether this “electronic skin tattoo” is permanent or something you can just stick on. Either way, what a fun and subtle way to become a cyborg.
via Gizmodo

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